Art of the Carolinas Road Trip

I got to accomplish one of the items on my bucket list this past November. I signed up and drove to Art of the Carolinas in Raleigh, NC for a 4 day art expo and workshop extravaganza put on by Jerry’s Artarama. It was so much fun. I had not really taken art workshops before and was able to study with two of my favorites: Robert Burridge and Joe DiGiulio in addition to picking up a class by Carol Nelson as well. It was a very busy weekend. My first full day I had workshops from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m…………..whew!
I took the Joe DiGiulio Abstraction Boot Camp which was a full day of demos and work. What fun though! There was so much energy in the group and the classes allowed us all to observe and interact with the instructor. I took 3 different workshops from Bob Burridge including mixed media, color theory and adding spice to your abstract paintings. Again the energy level was great and the time just flew.
For any artists out there who might be thinking of participating in an art expo I would highly recommend it. I came home a very tired but very happy puppy and had a lot of work to show for the weekend. Many of the paintings I started there I was able to bring home and finish in my studio later. The experience infused me with energy and gave me great ideas for where I might want to go next with my art.